June 29, 2011
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present:
Matthew Kennedy, Robert Lowell, Michael Scott, Mark Helfrick, Anthony Costello, and Kenneth Strom.
Members Absent:
Michael Krikonis
Staff Present:
Pamela Harding
Doug Andrysick, Andrysick Land Surveying; Tony Simonelli, BAMSI; Lucas Carvalho, BAMSI; Jim Poillucci, Global Property Services; Glenn Krevosky, ETB Environmental; Mark Corrigan, 27 Fiarhill Road; Pamela Kelley, 122 Pilgrim Drive; Richard Mikitarian, Fairhill Road; David Getman, DCR.
The meeting began at 7:00 PM
Quinapoxet Road Culvert and Repairs – Daniel Hazen, DPW Engineer presented information regarding emergency repairs on Quinapoxet Street. Retaining blocks were previously placed downstream from a culvert, which support Quinapoxet Street, the blocks were not placed on a foundation and the soil beneath the blocks has eroded. The blocks are failing and the street is collapsing. DPW is proposing to reset the blocks, and replace the metal culvert. The discharge from the culvert will be redirected through a lined spillway. The Conservation Commission was presented with a sketch and drainage calculations of the watershed. The Commission requested DPW provide information on the proposed grading and elevation for the riprap underneath the culvert and the swale to ensure the proper lining is being
utilized to prevent future erosion.
Notice of Intent DEP File #183-548 West Fairhill Road Assessing Map 225 Parcel 42
Global Properties – This is a continued public hearing from the June 1 meeting. The Applicant submitted a revised plan eliminating the rain gardens and connecting roof and parking lot runoff into a catch basin located in West Fairhill Rd. DPW reviewed drainage calculations but denied the Applicants request to tie the drainage into the catch basin.
Groundwater was detected at elevation 122, two feet below the surface, the bottom of the cultec is at 121.5’. It was stated that soil redox was utilized to determine the high groundwater. G. Krevosky asked how much of the lot drains toward 122 Pilgrim Avenue, the Applicant stated about 15%. The drainage system was designed for the ten-year storm. Richard Mikitarian, 41 Fairhill Road stated he rakes out the ditch to remove debris so the water will flow. Pam Kelley, 122 Pilgrim Drive stated the past few days of rain flooded the area. The Commission asked the Applicant if they would be willing to conduct improvements to the catch basin to collect additional runoff from the roadway. Ken Strom voted to close the public hearing, Mike Scott seconded the motion, all were in favor, 6-0.
Ken Strom made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions with a special condition that the applicant conduct improvements to the drainage in West Fairhill Road as it is related to the ditch, a camera inspection of the 12” CMP will be required and all improvements are subject to the
approval of the Department of Public Works Engineering Office, Rob Lowell seconded the motion, all were in favor 6-0.
The Conservation Commission Rules and Regulations were reviewed, changes were made to the electronic submission requirements and formatting errors, the item was continued to the August 3, 2011 meeting.
Rob Lowell made a motion to approve the June 1, 2011 meeting minutes, Ken Strom seconded the motion, all were in favor.
Rob Lowell made a motion to adjourn, Mike Scott seconded the motion, the motion passed 6-0, all in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
The next meeting is scheduled for August 3, 2011.
The June 29, 2011 Minutes were approved on September 7, 2011.
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent